GE MDS: An Amazing Look Behind the Scenes of Advanced Wastewater System Management (2017)

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Adventures into Wastewater Systems… have you ever thought about what it takes to keep a major riverfront city like St. Louis, Missouri free and clear of rising stormwater and run-off? Recently the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) provided SSS with a private, behind-the-scenes look at their operations and exclusive tour of the two main pumping stations around the city of St Louis:

– The Bissell Point Pump Station
– Mill Creek Pumping Station

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2017 GE MDS Customer Training Event with KAMO Power – Big Success!

by Todd Deibel

Second Sight Systems just completed a customer training event in Oklahoma, hosted by our friends at KAMO Power of Vinita, OK.  Over 45 engineers and field technicians attended the two-day deep dive into the GE MDS Orbit and Master Station! Great questions and in-depth insight ensued. We definitely look forward to the next training event.

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Great seeing you at DistribuTECH!!

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We hope you enjoyed DistribuTECH 2017 as much as we did. It was our pleasure highlighting all that Second Sight Systems provides in helping utilities solve challenges associated with smart grid deployment. If you missed us at the show and would like to know more about how Second Sight Systems partners with industry leaders in delivering turnkey solutions for utilities, we invite you to explore our website or give us a call.

With the record attendance and visitors to the SSS booth, we had an incredible forum to present our customer success stories. Here’s just a sampling of what SSS highlighted at DistribuTECH 2017.

Driving significant operational cost savings through outsourced field services: SSS provides one-stop solution utility field services for Landis+Gyr in support of smart meter AMI deployment for major electric & gas IOU’s

Deploying wireless SCADA technology for remote monitoring of utility field assets: As a General Electric certified partner for MDS Industrial Communications products, SSS has deployed and configured hundreds of GE’s next generation Orbit cellular radios throughout Ameren’s T+D network

Utilizing SSS utility communication tower services for installing LTE networks: SSS announced a partnership with a leading telecommunication OEM to help build out a next-generation LTE cellular network for AMI backhaul

If you missed these customer success stories or simply want to hear more about how SSS can help your utility with technical field services, SCADA systems, or communication tower services, then please contact us today. We look forward to seeing you at future industry thought leadership events!


SSS upgrades a landmark tower in St. Louis (2017)

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The Ameren communication tower in Downtown St. Louis has been a vital asset for the region’s electric and gas utility provider for many years. Built in the 1960’s and standing 348-feet tall, this 50-year-old communication tower represents multiple generations of utility communication technologies and equipment that have been deployed over the years.

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White Papers & Reports

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SSS has compiled the most insightful white papers and reports about cyber security and key trends impacting IoT, utilities and more. Take a look.

White paper


GE: Cybersecurity in Mission Critical Licensed Networks. This white paper assists users of GE’s MDS x710, MDS SD series, and MDS Orbit Platform to understand the various industry security requirements and how the cybersecurity capabilities within each product platform support these new guidelines.

SSS: The Alarming Numbers Behind Utilities’ Cyber Threat Just how big is the cyber threat facing utilities across the U.S.? Get the numbers you need to know now.

DHS: How Transportation data Systems Can Meet Cybersecurity Standards. Here’s how the transportation sector can achieve greater control system security and meet the government’s robust cybersecurity standards.

Electric/ Gas Utilities

Harris Williams: Top Trends Driving T&D Sector. Here’s an overview of the U.S. T&D industry and market shifts spurring record investment in T&D infrastructure.

IoT Agenda: Distributed Intelligence Explained. Utilities are pioneering distributed intelligence as the smart grid promises to reduce outages and downtime. Here’s what you need to know about this important application.

CSIAC: New Skills Needed to Prevent Smart Grid Cyber Attacks. Developing a functional, secure infrastructure requires new skills and an understanding of how and why all applied technologies interact with each other.

Water & Wastewater

Water World: The Water Sector’s Business Case for Wireless Tech . Mobile computing can improve efficiency and service, data security, and ease the burden of regulatory compliance.

American Water Works Association: 2016 State of the Water Industry . A survey of more than 1,400 water & wastewater utility industry workers reveal the most important issues facing this sector.

Bluefield Research: U.S. Water Munis: Strategies & 10-year CapEx forecasts. Find out how U.S. municipal utilities will spend an estimated $532 billion in capital improvements over the next 10 years.


MilEmbed: Biggest Challenges for Military Wireless Infrastructure. Multi-node networks and kits that leverage software defined radio are enabling better spectrum management and wireless monitoring.

GE MDS: Second Sight Systems at DistribuTECH 2017 in San Diego! Booth #845

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See our line of GE MDS radios at booth #845!  If you’re reading this now, chances are you’re on your way to DistribuTECH 2017 in San Diego. DistribuTECH is the leading annual electric power transmission and distribution conference that addresses technologies used to move electricity from the power plant through the transmission and distribution systems to the meter and inside the home. Read more

GE MCR 900 MHz Radios Offers Rural Co-ops a Breakthrough in Secure, System Control (2016)

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This past October, SSS met with dozens of rural co-ops at the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation’s Engineering and Operations Workshop. The conversation was unanimous — rural utilities urgently need SCADA upgrades, network security, and affordable radio solutions. To meet the demand, rural co-ops are looking to GE MDS (GE MCR) radios with built-in routing and firewalls to protect electrical distribution systems and reduce outages, but at a fraction of the cost of traditional IT network firewall devices and software.

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Hurricane-tested, the Smart Grid Perseveres (2016)

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October’s Hurricane Matthew put the smart grid to the ultimate test. The tropical cyclone packing sustained winds of up to 150mph cut off power to 2.2 million homes and businesses in the U.S. Southeast. In the final analysis, the smart grid performed well against such extreme weather. By making the grid self-healing, advanced sensors and automation helped utilities avert prolonged outages. Here’s how Florida Power & Light and other utilities were able to out-smart Hurricane Matthew and other storms.

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